“And God said, ‘Let there be light…'” Genesis 1:3
Not one other person existed when God created the world so there was no one else to hear Him, and yet He spoke it into existence. He didn’t just think it, He said it. Why? Because there is power in the spoken word.
And there are no other words more powerful than those written in scripture, no other author more sovereign than the one who spoke the world into existence.
“All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” 2 Timothy 3:16-17
Today is World Read Aloud Day (which I personally think is fantastic). And what better words to read out loud than God’s Word? Can you imagine if believers all around the world today opened their Bibles and breathed aloud God’s eternal truth? If we drowned out the hateful words that fill the air with God’s exceedingly more powerful word of love? If we spoke the light within us into the darkness; if we stormed the gates of hell with the pillars of life, if we filled the heavens with the ancient way of the Almighty God in the face of the enemy who seeks to threaten the very lives of believers in some parts of the world and increasingly hardens hearts and minds toward believers everywhere?
Ask the Lord to put on your heart a portion of scripture to read aloud today and then make it a prayer. It might not feel effective (and I’m sure the enemy will tell you that very thing), but remember, God began the universe with four words.