Sunday Praise and a Prayer for True Freedom

Dear Heavenly Father, we praise your holy and precious name. Lord, we are forever grateful for this free nation you’ve given us. Thank you for giving those who founded it a desire to have a land where we have a right to freedoms, including a right to freely seek you, and that their vision was based on their belief in you and your word. 

Thank you for blessing us so abundantly. 

Father, all these years later, as a nation we’ve forgotten you. What’s right is wrong, and what’s wrong is right. We’ve removed you from schools and courts and in many cases, churches. We humbly ask for your forgiveness, and we beseech you, on your great mercies by the blood of Jesus Christ and by the power of your Holy Spirit, we pray for revival. 

We pray you would pour out your Spirit for an awakening to our sin leading to repentance. We pray you would come against the forces of darkness at work among us, that you would bind the hand of the enemy, pour out your grace, and heal our land.

We pray for churches that are led by unsaved people that you would bring salvation. We pray for churches that are led by people who have forgotten you that they would turn back to you and allow you to lead them. And we pray for churches that are led by those faithful to you, that are led by your Holy Spirit, that you would strengthen them and give them boldness and courage to continue teaching your word and praying with boldness.

Father, I ask for forgiveness for my own sins. Where there is sin hiding in my heart, please reveal it to me and help me confess it before you and walk uprightly, and be holy – set apart for you and your work. May you use the struggles in our lives to draw us ever closer to you and make us more faithful and more useful in your hands. 

We pray for those who love you but have been hurt by the church and have left it. Please heal their hearts and lead them to a church that is Spirit-led where they can be loved and grow. 

In all this, we pray you would strengthen the church to become a beacon of your light and holiness, examples of love in all we do to a lost and dying world that needs you so much.

Thank you for the true and lasting freedom you give us in Jesus Christ, and we pray you would move upon countless hearts to desire that same freedom, and through the salvation of many, our land would be free from hatred and violence, free to serve a Holy and loving God, and live with you, and one another, in peace. 

We give you our hearts, Lord, and pray your perfect will is done. In Jesus’ precious name we pray, amen. 

If you need prayer, please feel free to contact me.  

Further Update for The Return

Hello Friends. I wanted to share with you the link to the updated schedule for the event The Return, as the times have changed just a bit since I last posted. 

The main event is this Saturday, September 26, but there will also be an event this Friday afternoon/evening, and a time of worship Saturday afternoon/evening, depending on your time zone.

You can watch it live from the website. Please remember all times listed are for Eastern Standard time, so please adjust accordingly. 

What is The Return?  Pastor Jonathan Cahn explains it like this:

“A movement, an appointed time, and a specific day set apart for one purpose – the return to God, that there be a coming before His presence in humility, in sincerity in prayer and repentance, that there be intercession for America, for each other, and for oneself, for God’s mercy, for salvation, for healing, for revival, for restoration, and for the fulfillment of God’s purposes for America and all who dwell within it.”

Along with Jonathan Cahn, there are many speakers and prayers scheduled, and I expect this to be a powerful time of repentance, of awakening and returning to the Lord.  

Heavenly Father, you are the Righteous and Holy One. We are in desperate need of your grace and mercy and forgiveness through your Son’s sacrifice on the cross.  We pray you would anoint these speakers and prayers, that your Holy Spirit would fill them to speak your will, that you would draw countless people to watch this event, to hear of your love and offer of forgiveness, and that you would bring a powerful revival within each of us, and throughout our country and our world. In Jesus’ holy and precious name we pray, amen. 

Update on The Return

I published a post about upcoming prayer events seeking the Lord on behalf of our nation. At the time I couldn’t find any definitive times for The Return, the prayer gathering led by Pastor Jonathan Cahn at the National Mall in Washington D.C. and will be simulcast, on September 26. 

I contacted the organization and apparently the times haven’t been confirmed yet, but the following is the tentative schedule. If I hear of any changes I’ll let you know.

9 AM – 9:45 AM (EDT)

  • Welcome 
  • Worship 
  • Prayers of Repentance 

9:45-10:15 AM – Repentance of Pastors and Ministry Leaders 

  • Scripture Reading 
  • Prayer 
  • Worship 

10:15-11:30 AM – Repentance for the Church 

  • Scripture Reading 
  • Prayer 
  • Worship

11:30-12 PM – BREAK 

12 PM – 3:30 – Repentance for America 

  • Scripture Reading 
  • Prayer 
  • Worship 

3:30-5:25 – Repentance for the Nations 

  • Scripture Reading 
  • Prayer 
  • Worship 

5:25-6:00 PM BREAK 

6:00 PM – 9:00 PM – Prayer and Worship 

Sunday Praise and a Prayer for our Nation

Dear Heavenly Father, we praise you.  On this Pentecost, we remember all you’ve done for us. For giving your Son in our place so we could be forgiven and reconciled to you, and then for giving us your Holy Spirit and all He does to comfort us, teach us, lead us, convict us, mature us, and fill us with your peace that passes all human understanding.  We are forever grateful.

Father, we know you’ve shown this country immeasurable grace and mercy. And because we’ve turned away from you, we are a nation that is hurting deeply. 

Father, please forgive us for how we’ve strayed from you, for how we’ve consistently denied you and removed you from our lives.

Please forgive us for the way we’ve indulged in sin and called it good, or entertainment, or our rights. And yet all it’s done is hurt us to the core. 

We pray for revival among your people. Where we’ve only had the appearance of being Christian but our hearts have not been fully given to you, we humbly ask for your forgiveness. Where we’ve been poor examples of your love and grace we humbly ask for your forgiveness. 

We repent, O Lord, and we ask for a fresh baptism of your Holy Spirit to be and say and do all you would have us to in these dark days when people are seeking an answer to their pain and suffering, when people desire rightful change but don’t know how to make it happen.

We know you’re the answer. Help us to boldly and lovingly proclaim Christ as the only way. 

We pray for revival among those throughout our country who have yet to receive you.  

We know the enemy has people blinded, so we ask that you would bind the hand of the enemy and that you would mercifully pour out your Holy Spirit and draw people to you, to open their spiritual eyes and soften their hearts toward you.

Please reveal yourself to them and show them how much you love them. Show them that you see them, you see their hurting hearts and you desire to heal them.

You know each of them by name, you know what they’ve done and what they’ve been through, and you sent your Son to die in their place, and if they will believe on Him as Lord and Savior, and receive the gift of His death that was given as payment for their sins, in that instant you will forgive them and never again remember their sins.

And that by your Spirit you will make them new creations, with new hearts, giving them peace and joy, beginning a new, lifelong relationship with them, never leaving or forsaking them. Ever.

Father, fill us up. Change us. Lead us. Empower us to live and speak the truth in love.  Please perfect your love in us so we can live through these dark days not in fear, but in perfect peace and confidence that your love for us will never waver, and you will give us all we need until you bring us home. 

May we glorify your holy and precious and worthy Name. 

In Jesus’ Name we pray, amen.