Thankful Thursday – Roots

“Let your roots grow down into Him,
and let your lives be built on Him.
Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught,
and you will overflow with thankfulness.
Colossians 2:7

What are you thankful for today?

Sunday Praise and a Prayer to Live Unafraid

Dear Heavenly Father, we praise your most holy name. We praise you for your faithfulness and goodness. We praise you for your love and for the plans you have that are so great, so glorious, so miraculous, that we cannot even begin to conceive of them. 

Father, when your servants, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were faithful to you and trusted you even in the furnace, you protected them, and because they chose to live unafraid, even King Nebuchadnezzar praised your name.  

Lord, we ask that you would give all of us who believe in Christ the kind of courage and strength and conviction to live unafraid and that the world will see your faithfulness in and through us and have no choice but to praise your name. 

No matter what we’re going through, whether it’s physical, emotional, financial, or even persecution for our faith in you, may we live unafraid, filled with the sure hope we have because of what Christ did for us on the cross and because the Holy Spirit indwells us, knowing that you are an ever-present help in time of need and that you promise to be with us and love us to the end.  

Thank you for giving us all we need to walk victoriously. May we daily avail ourselves of all the riches of your glory in Christ Jesus. It’s in His blessed name we pray, amen. 

Sunday Praise and a Prayer as We Stand Upon the Rock

Dear Heavenly Father, we praise you. You, Lord, are our Rock, and on you we stand. We declare that as we stand upon You, the Rock of our salvation, we will not be shaken; we will not be moved. You are our Mighty Fortress, our Protector, and we will not fear. 

You are our Strength, our Courage, our sure Hope. No matter what storms rage around us, you are our Peace, and our Light in the darkness. 

You are our Sustenance, our Fountain of living water. 

As we stand upon you and walk in faith, may our lives be a reflection of your great love and grace, and may all we go through magnify and glorify the holy and precious name of Jesus Christ. 

In His name we pray, amen.

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If you would like prayer, please feel free to contact me. 

For His glory, 

Sunday Praise and a Prayer For Strength in Our Brokenness

Dear Heavenly Father, we praise your holy and powerful name. 

Lord, so many times we try to run from our brokenness and our weaknesses and perceived flaws by ignoring them or hiding them or trying to right them ourselves. 

Instead, we offer them up to you today and ask that you would fill those places with your strength and power and make our faith even stronger, our character more beautiful, than we ever would have been without them. 

We give you all the glory and honor and praise in advance for what you’re going to do. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen. 

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If you have any prayer requests, please leave a comment, message, or email me. I’d be honored to pray for you. 

Sunday Praise and a Prayer for Israel

Dear Heavenly Father, we praise you.

You are the LORD, the God of Israel, their Maker, the Holy One of Israel, the LORD Almighty, the God and Savior of Israel, the righteous God and Savior, and there is no other. 

Before you every knee will bow and every tongue will take an oath that in you alone are righteousness and strength. In you the descendants of Israel shall be justified and shall glory. 

We pray for your protection over your beloved Israel, for her deliverance and salvation.

May you be glorified and may Yeshua HaMashiach be worshipped.

It’s in the name of Jesus Christ, the name above all names that we pray, amen.  

(Taken from Isaiah 45)

Sunday Praise and a Prayer for Love

Dear Heavenly Father, we praise you. Thank you for the gift of love, of yourself. You are too grand for us to fully comprehend, to understand your existence and your eternal nature, but we are forever thankful that you created us and through the sacrifice of your Son, by faith, brought us into relationship with you to receive your love, and through the filling of your Holy Spirit, experience its depth, and be given the ability to love you and love others. 

Father we ask for forgiveness for the times we’ve failed to love. They are too numerous for us to name, but we ask that you would heal the hearts of those we’ve caused pain, and we thank you for softening our own hearts and granting us repentance and new mercies to begin again.

Hold onto us, Lord, and give us willing hearts to obey you. Keep us from even the temptation to sin, knowing that allowing sin would begin to harden our hearts and break the precious communion we have with you. And when we do sin, help us to quickly repent, so we can abide in your love again. 

May we be quick to take the love you give us and your example and love others, our brothers and sisters in the faith, and those who have yet to come to you, and to love our enemies, remembering that

“Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.”

This is how you love, Lord, and this is how we want to love, too.  Help us understand more and more the scope of it so we can love others in a way that glorifies you. 

In Jesus’ holy and precious name we pray, amen. 

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If you have any prayer requests please let me know!


The Fruit of our Lips

Sunday Praise and a Prayer to Live Worthy of Our Calling

Dear Heavenly Father, we praise you for this beautiful day you’ve made. We praise you for your holiness and righteousness.  You are the Almighty God, the King of kings and Lord of lords. You are our good Father from whom all blessings flow. 

We look to you Father, to fill us again with the hope of your promises, with a steadfast faith, that we may act justly and love mercy and walk humbly with You. 

Father, as we fix our eyes on you, our supreme Hope, help us remember to “submit ourselves for Your sake to every human institution, whether to a king as the one in authority, or to governors as sent by You for the punishment of evildoers and the praise of those who do right. For such is Your will, that by doing right we silence the ignorance of foolish people. That we will act as free people, not using our freedom as a covering for evil, but using it as Your bond-servants.” 1 Peter 2:13-16

Father we submit those authorities into your hands and pray that your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. We pray for the salvation of each one, that they would fervently seek you and your wisdom to govern rightly.

In everything, with hope and faith, may we live worthy of the high calling you’ve placed on our lives, as children of the King.

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one, for Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. 

In Jesus’ holy and precious name we pray, amen. 


Sunday Praise and a Prayer to Hear the Right Voice

Dear Heavenly Father, we praise you.  You are righteous and holy and mighty, and we lift up the name of Jesus Christ as the only name by which we can be saved. 

Father, there is a constant, seemingly endless number of voices in our ears, trying to tell us what to think, what to believe, and what to do.  

But we know only you have the wisdom we need to live this life according to your will, and only you have the Holy Spirit we need to carry out your will.  

Father, we ask that you would anoint our ears to listen to only your voice and to carry out your wisdom no matter what the world tries to tell us. 

Help us remember the importance of spending time in your Word, the source of all truth and wisdom, and to do that daily.  Please open your Word to us and give us understanding and speak to each of our hearts what we need to hear to live lives that glorify you. 

Help us not be swayed by the words of the world, or by words of any who may sound compelling, but are not of you. 

Please lead us through this valley of the shadow of death, so that we come through victorious, matured followers of Christ, having had the privilege of bringing glory to the eternal King of kings. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen. 

Sunday Praise and a Prayer for the Weary

Heavenly Father, we praise your precious and holy name. No matter what’s going on in our world, you are ultimately in control and you are worthy of all praise and glory. We worship you and you alone. We set our eyes upon you, and desire to be one with you in heart and mind.  

Father, so many of us are weary of what’s going on in our world right now. We grieve for the church and the persecution it’s experiencing all over the world.

We grieve for those who have lost loved ones;

we grieve for those who are out of work and struggling to provide for their families;

we grieve for the children who are growing up in the middle of the chaos and confusion;

and we grieve for the lost who have been blinded and led astray by the evil one. 

Father we know the whole creation groans under the weight of this sinful world, and we, too, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption to sonship, the redemption of our bodies. For in this hope we were saved. 

Father, we pray you would renew our strength and our joy in you. While we wait, your precious Son has given us a promise – “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” 

Help us to be near you, Lord, and cast our cares upon you, and find our rest in you. We pray for your peace that passes all understanding.

We pray you would show us where a brother or sister is struggling so we can pray for them and help them in whatever way you would have us.

Remind us always, to continue in prayer for all the saints, and let us be about your business, Father, until you come to take us home. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.