A 12-year-old boy kills his sister and later finds the forgiveness and love of a great and merciful God.
An angry man, disillusioned by a God who would allow untimely deaths in his family, is later visited by the presence of God, washed in His peace and finds the love of God is all he needs.
A woman turns to the gay community and lifestyle and later allows the truth of God to dispel the lies as He heals her heart and she finds a new life in Him.
A Christian woman struggles with resentment toward God as she watches her believing mother deteriorate from Alzheimer’s disease, but would in time come to understand that the reason was full of God’s grace.
And my own story of growing up with parents suffering from mental illness and substance abuse, then turning to anything and everything in the world to deaden the pain and try to find love, and later finding real love and the forgiveness of Christ in a tiny church filled with the Spirit of God.
These are just a few of the testimonies of God’s faithfulness, grace and forgiveness in the lives of ordinary people who were touched by an extraordinary God in the book Trials and Triumphs, Hope Beyond Circumstances, Forty Life-Changing Testimonies.
I am so blessed to be a part of this project, one of the forty people who tell their stories of grace–either how they came to Christ, or how they held onto Him in difficult circumstances. Each fascinating account is authored by the person who experienced it. Every story is unique, but each one points to the same God, the same Lord Who is willing to forgive and give strength and courage to anyone who genuinely seeks Him.
Any believer can watch the news or look at their own family members, friends, co-workers, and on and on can see that the world needs a Savior. People are starving for the love and forgiveness that we know only God can give through His Son, Jesus Christ.
But the enemy of God is hard at work lying, deceiving and bringing destruction on anyone who believes those lies.
Revelation 12:11-12 tells us that “They overcame him (satan) by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony;”
People can dispute a lot of things about God, but no one can dispute what God has done in our own lives. All of us who know Christ as our Lord and Savior have a testimony, the story of who we were before we put our faith in Christ, and how He’s changed our hearts and lives since. Stories of how He’s loved us, intervened for us in miraculous ways, provided for us and protected us, and another page to our story is written every day.
That, God’s Word says, is how the enemy will be defeated in the lives of those family members and friends and co-workers. As we tell the truth of God’s love, just as someone, somewhere told us, by the faith given by God and the blood of the Lamb, they will be snatched from the enemy’s mouth and set firmly in the hands of God.
Think of it: we have the privilege of joining with Christ to defeat the enemy that has lingered and lied and destroyed since the Garden of Eden by sharing our witness to those lost and dying in their sin.
Maybe you know someone right now who needs to hear these stories of faith. Maybe you need to be encouraged and comforted yourself as you face struggles of your own. I pray this book brings hope and magnifies the grace that is our God in the lives of many around the world.
If you’re so inclined, you can find it on Amazon at the link on the right.
Grace and Peace!