Friday Funnies – Interruptions by the Guy in Up

Hey Everybody. Hope you’re having a good day.

In case you weren’t sure, yes, today is Friday. As I was looking for something to post for today’s Friday Funnies, I came across this stand-up turned (almost) preaching video by Mark Lowry. It’s got some good chuckles in it, but the primary reason I chose it was because of his mini-sermon on interruptions. 

If I’m going through something I assume at least some of you are, too, and I’ve had more “interruptions” in the last year or so than I remember having in a long time. (Hmmm…)

It can be discouraging, it can be frustrating, but Mark reminded me, and I hope you, too, that what we see as interruptions can also be moments God is calling us to get off the merry-go-round of life for a minute and sit with Him awhile. He just might have something important to say.

Maybe, just maybe, He wants us to set aside our small plans for His eternal ones.

If you have a prayer need, please let me know!

Enjoy. 🙂


Friday Funnies – Ken Davis on Marriage and Yeah, Dunkin’ Donut

It’s been a little while, but I think it’s time for a little smile, maybe a chuckle, a guffaw…a snicker? Mmm…Snickers. Alrighty. Here’s Ken Davis talking marriage and donuts.  

Happy Friday.



Friday Funnies – The Food Prayer

Friday Funnies – The Star Spangled Banner, Tim Hawkins Style

It’s Friday, ya’ll! We made it another week. We lived, we worked, we prayed, we grew, and now it’s time to laugh. 

Tim Hawkins shows his serious side for just a minute in this one. He and his wife struggled through 2020 like the rest of us, but Jesus was there with them, just like He is for all of us.

But, thankfully, he hasn’t lost his sense of humor. 

Happy Friday, everyone, and have a blessed weekend. 


Thankful Thursday – Good Medicine


“A merry heart does good like a medicine…”  
Proverbs 17:22

Today, and every day, but especially in the middle of this mess, I’m so thankful God’s given us a sense of humor to lighten our hearts, change our countenance, bring us together, and remind us there is still joy. 

What God revealed to Solomon when he wrote the proverb, modern medical science now understands. 

Laughter causes us to take in more oxygen, stimulates our organs, improves the function of blood vessels, and increases the endorphins released by our brain. It stimulates circulation and relaxes the muscles. 

It can help fight stress, relieve tension and pain, and lift depression. 

And yeah, it can burn calories. It might not be a lot, but I’ll take it. 


Friday Funnies – Rubber Sticky Hand


A hard week deserves some laughs, right?  Bob Smiley’s a good one for that. And P.S., a comedian named Smiley???  What are the chances? Probably the same as losing at Chuck E. Cheese.  🙂  




Friday Funnies – Patsy Clairmont

I have been waiting for this all week.  Patsy Clairmont is one of my most favorite people.

If you aren’t familiar with her, she has an amazing testimony of, as a young Christian, having had agoraphobia. Very basically, that’s when extreme anxiety leads a person to fear going out of the house or being around people. But not only was she confined to her house, her anxiety led her to being confined to her bed.

Through learning to be obedient to the Lord in small things, He delivered her from fear and anxiety.  And for years now she’s been an author and speaker who can take you from laughter to tears in 2.5 seconds, all while glorifying Jesus.  She is hilarious and I’m happy to share her with you, knowing she will put a smile on your face and remind you of God’s goodness, too.  (The first video leads into the next.)

Dear Father, thank you for giving us much needed laughter. We pray you would calm our frazzled emotions with your special kind of peace that exceeds all understanding.  In Jesus’ name…