Where Was God?

That’s the question on a lot of minds on a day like today.

And I understand that question. There are many events in my own life I’ve wondered where God was.

It was a day none of us will forget for so many reasons. The day quickly became dark and tragic, but there were also more acts of heroism that day, of light in the darkness, than we will ever fully know.

Like 24-year-old Welles Crowther who called his mother from the South Tower to let her know he was okay, and then began to lead others to safety, carrying an injured woman on his back down 15 floors and then returning to help more.

And Rick Rescorla who, as a head of security in the South Tower, ignored orders to keep employees at their desks, saving 2700 people.  

And Army Specialist Beau Doboszenski who was working as a tour guide on the other side of the Pentagon. Upon hearing the chaos, he ran to the crash site and spent the next several hours helping co-workers and running into the flames to help bring people out.

These acts of heroism are amazing enough, but looking at their backstories, we can see just a little bit of the hand of God orchestrating the saving of so many lives.

Like the fact that Welles Crowther had been a volunteer firefighter in his teens and was well prepared to confidently lead. Even the fact that somehow that day he had been wearing a red bandana that was able to keep him from breathing in too much smoke as he saved at least 12 people.  His body was found in a stairwell headed back up with the jaws of life.

And like the fact that Rick Rescorla had served in Vietnam, with distinction, and had the wisdom to lead his people to safety. And for years he had the forethought to have the employees practice fire drills. Because of that, more than 2700 people made it down the tower to safety in 16 minutes. Rick Rescorla’s body was never found.

And like the fact that Beau Doboszenski was a former firefighter and a trained EMT.

Too many lives were lost that day. The enemy of all that is good and right and holy was there to cause death and destruction and what he’d love to leave in his evil wake is a doubt and mistrust that God was there or that He even exists.

But God is the one who prepared people years in advance with special training and placed them where they needed to be when they needed to be there.

God is the Giver of strength, courage, wisdom, and perseverance.

God is the one who instills in people His love, the greater love that lays down his life for others.

We’ll never fully understand the whys this side of heaven, about that fateful day, or about tragic days in our own personal lives.

But God knows.

Years later we can catch a small glimpse into the behind-the-scenes stories of that day, shining a light on some of the good, among countless other similar sacrificial stories that took place among the evil and about how God was there in their midst. 

God sees the full picture. And we can trust He was there that day giving strength to heroes just as He’s with us every day, including our worst days, filling us with His strength, courage, and hope.

And someday maybe God will show us all the behind-the-scenes stories of those awful days in our own lives and how He was right there with us in the midst of it all. 


“For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.” 1 Cor. 13:12b

Heavenly Father, thank you for never leaving us or forsaking us. Thank you for preparing a home for us and giving us the hope of being with you someday, when you will have struck down evil for the last time, and there will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain.  Thank you for the incredible bravery of so many men and women on that day, for giving what we know was even beyond their own strength . We pray for those who lost loved ones that day. We ask that you would be especially near to them today, and that you would comfort them with your peace that passes all understanding. We know that you will prevail, that you’ve already conquered evil at the cross, and we pray for many more souls to come to know Christ as their own Lord and Savior, even today. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen. 

Sunday Praise and a Prayer to Be Wise Stewards

Dear Heavenly Father, we love you and praise you. We are so blessed to call you our Father, and to know that we can put every ounce of faith in you and you alone. You are our Provider, our Redeemer, our Hope and our Comfort.

Father, you are our Rock. Whenever everything else around is shaky, we stand upon you, the immovable, unshakeable, unchangeable Rock. 

Help us remember to be wise stewards of the grace and time you’ve given us, putting into practice the words of Christ, building upon the foundation you’ve laid through Him so we can remain steadfast in our faith no matter what comes. 

May we continually stand upon the Rock of our salvation, shining a light of hope and encouragement for believers and unbelievers alike, that through it all you will be glorified. 

Thank you, precious Lord. In Jesus’ holy and worthy name we pray, amen. 

Getting the Cart Before the Horse

Life is fleeting. More fleeting than most of us think about on a day to day basis. But I think anytime we look back over the life of a loved one who’s gone, we realize again how very momentary it is. 

I want to pack all I can into this life. I want to do all the right things, and I sure don’t want to miss anything God wants for my life. I don’t want to miss His purpose in having me here, and I’ve caught myself feeling frantic that I’m not doing enough, or worried that God’s disappointed that I haven’t gotten everything right. Maybe I’ve messed it all up. 

I grew up learning to be a perfectionist, that if I could just do everything right I’d be worthy of love, and that spilled over into my relationship with the Lord. Do everything right and He will love me.

But that’s getting the cart before the horse. 

God already loves us, and what He wants from us, is us. 

He desires us to love Him, to grow in our relationship with Him.

If we practice loving Him with everything in us, everything good will flow from that. Anything we do for Him, any obedience, any service, any use of our gifts, will be a result of that fellowship of love. 

Jesus said the greatest commandment is to “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.” 
Matthew 22:37

That word commandment means an injunction, an authoritative prescription.

This is what the Lord’s been impressing on my heart lately.  “Rest in Me. Focus on being, not just on the doing.” 

And yes, of course I love the Lord, but there’s always room for that love to grow. He wants us to love Him – 

– with all our heart. Choose to trust Him with every emotion, every anxiety, every worry;

– with all our soul . Choose faith in the love and goodness of God in every circumstance, no matter what’s happening;

– with all our mind. Choose to believe in Him with all understanding. Take every thought captive to obey Him.

Receiving God’s love and loving Him back is God’s prescription for the health of our entire being, heart, soul, and mind. 

Sometimes this life doesn’t quite turn out the way we thought it would or ever wanted it to. But God knew, and He’s had a plan all along.

In the middle of the mess He says, “Focus your energies on loving me with your whole being, and anything I desire you to do I will show you and enable you to do it.” 

Just a couple of chapters later, after Jesus tells His disciples the greatest thing we can do is love God, His disciples ask Him what will be the sign of His coming and of the end of the age.

He tells them, among other things, that “Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold, but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved.” Matthew 24:12-13

He didn’t say the love of some, or the love of many, but the love of most will grow cold. 

Whether we’re facing the end of the age now or not, there is a lot of hatred and violence and destruction going on out there publicly, and in a lot of ways we’re each being stretched personally. We’re suffering, we’re hurting, we’re confused, we’re downright angry. 

The enemy will try to use all that to cause our hearts to harden and grow cold. 

But if we purpose to love our Heavenly Father with all of our being, we won’t be one of the most.

Instead, we’ll be one of the few with His love flowing in and through us that will be like an oil causing the light of Christ in us to shine brightest when the world needs it most. 

This life is fleeting.  

Wouldn’t it be great if someone looked back on our life and said “How they loved the Lord”?

And even more, facing Him at the start of our new life, having loved Him with everything?




Take Every Thought Captive

Instead of letting our thoughts take us captive…



For the weapons of our
warfare are not of the flesh
but have divine power to
destroy strongholds. We
destroy arguments and every
lofty opinion raised against
the knowledge of God, and
take every thought captive to
obey Christ.
2 Cor. 10-4-5

The Saturday Song – The Steadfast Love of the Lord

My dear friend posted this song the other day and it was just what I needed.  Duane Clark and his brother, Terry, are pioneers of the contemporary Christian music genre. If you’d like to have some of their music for your own, you can check it out here.

I pray this song blesses you, too, and reminds you of how very much God loves you through anything and everything you go through. 

I pray you’re always reminded of that when you come here, that you’re always drawn to Jesus and His love and hope, and that it causes you to want to walk with Him closer than the day before. 


Let’s Make Like a Tree…

I love trees, and today in the U.S. it’s Arbor Day, a day marked for celebration of trees (traditionally by planting a tree) and all the good they do for the environment around them. 

God uses trees throughout His Word, beginning and ending with the Tree of Life, and many other references throughout.

Today, though, I thought about how God tells us, in the Psalms and in Jeremiah, how we can be like a tree, sustained and fruitful even in hard times. 

Jeremiah records God’s word to His people:

“This is what the Lord says:

‘Cursed is the one who trusts in man,
who draws strength from mere flesh
and whose heart turns away from the Lord.
That person will be like a bush in the wastelands;
they will not see prosperity when it comes.
They will dwell in the parched places of the desert,
in a salt land where no one lives.

But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord,
whose confidence is in Him.
They will be like a tree planted by the water
that sends out its roots by the stream.
It does not fear when heat comes;
its leaves are always green.
It has no worries in a year of drought
and never fails to bear fruit.’”
Jeremiah 17:5-8

At one point in history, God’s people demanded Samuel appoint them a king instead of looking to God as their King. The first king they put their trust in was Saul, and we know how that ended.  And for hundreds of years God’s people put their trust in, and were ruled by kings.

Even today, a lot of people (sometimes even God’s people) are trusting in men and women in office to fix things, to make bad situations good, to make wrong situations right.  And there seems to be no shortage of people willing to promise to do those things. 

But that never ends as well as we’d like because people are just people, and the world’s system is not God’s. Let the world have the world.

We have God, a Savior, a Lord, who can do much more – He can make our hearts right.

Jesus tells us “’Let anyone who is thirsty come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them.’ By this He meant the Spirit, whom those who believed in Him were later to receive.” John 7:37-39

So, we might not be able to plant a tree today, but let’s be a tree and leave the world’s ways (sorry, I couldn’t help it!).

Let’s plant ourselves by the living water by putting our faith in Christ and Him alone and receive from Him rivers of living water, the Holy Spirit, continually moving through us, nourishing us, sustaining us, and producing in us fruit and all kinds of good things to benefit us and those around us, no matter the circumstances, with no end to its abundance.

Thankful Thursday – Pie

Isolation can give us a lot of time to think, and sometimes there’s nothing more dangerous than being inside our own heads.

We can start looking around, comparing our situation, our lives, to others and feel like we’re coming up short. Our piece of the pie seems like a sliver, and other’s a whopping piece with ice cream, or whipped cream, or both, slathered all over it.

And the truth is, we all have things in our lives we wish were different.  

There is much that others enjoy as a given part of life that I will never know.

At the beginning of Psalm 73, Asaph ponders the prosperity of those who are wicked. Though they live foolishly, they enjoy good health, they have no troubles, they aren’t plagued by common human burdens (he thinks).

And here he was, he thought, keeping his heart pure and his hands innocent, and yet every day brings a fresh round of pain and affliction.

Until, he says, he entered the sanctuary of God.

We he got his focus off himself and onto God, then he understood the final destiny of the wicked. Ultimately, all they had gained will come to absolutely nothing when they face God at the final judgment.

And finally Asaph writes, “My flesh and my heart may fail…”

There is much discussion about what Asaph meant by this. Did he mean his flesh and heart failed him when he fell into bitterness and envy of others? Or did he mean that eventually his flesh and heart will fail when he dies and moves on from this life? Maybe both.

“… but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.” Psalm 73:26

Asaph is finally able to take a wide and godly perspective and realize that because he has God in his life, he doesn’t have just a sliver of pie, or even a big piece. He actually has the whole pie. 

Yes, his own heart may fail, but God is His strength, and His portion, his inheritance, in this life and in the next.


Yes, I may have missed out on a lot in this life, and maybe that’s a good thing because it showed me how much I needed God.

But God (Elohiym – the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit) is my portion. And when everything in this life is gone, I will still have my Portion. I will have my relationship with God through Christ, and the faith and character and everything else He’s built on that Foundation through the many years I’ve walked with Him.

And it will last forever.

So the reality is, I haven’t missed out on one bit. I have God and all He is! And if you know Jesus, so do you. We have the Creator of the universe, our heavenly Father, the keeper of our souls and the One is able to make all grace abound toward us and bless us abundantly, our Lord and Savior and Friend and Brother and Co-Heir in the faith, Jesus, and our Comforter and Peace Giver, the One who seals us for eternal life, the Holy Spirit.

We can never come to the end of the list of His blessings. And anything we missed in this life that He deems important He will more than make up for in the next. 

So instead of focusing inward or outward, let’s look up.  We have more pie than we could ever eat.

The Saturday Song – Peace Be Still

Today’s Saturday Song is Lauren Daigle’s Peace Be Still.  I thought it appropriate considering this month’s header picture and last week’s blog Path of Faith

Praying that even though the wind and waves may rage around us, He brings a stillness to our hearts and minds and a peace to our souls. 

Lord, strengthen our faith in you, and help us follow you wherever you lead us.  In Jesus name, amen.



I don’t want to be afraid
Every time I face the waves
I don’t want to be afraid
I don’t want to be afraid
I don’t want to fear the storm
Just because I hear it roar
I don’t want to fear the storm
I don’t want to fear the storm

Peace be still
Say the word and I will
Set my feet upon the sea
Till I’m dancing in the deep
Oh, peace be still
You are here so it is well
Even when my eyes can’t see
I will trust the voice that speaks

I’m not gonna be afraid
‘Cause these waves are only waves
I’m not gonna be afraid
I’m not gonna be afraid
I’m not gonna fear the storm
You are greater than it’s roar
I’m not gonna fear the storm
Oh, I’m not gonna fear at all, yeah

Peace be still
Say the word and I will
Set my feet upon the sea
Till I’m dancing in the deep, oh
Peace be still
You are here so it is well
Even when my eyes can’t see
I will trust the voice that speaks
Peace, peace, yes, over me, yeah

Oh Jesus, let Your peace call them
Ooh ooh

Let faith rise up
Oh heart believe
Let faith rise up in me
Let faith rise up
Oh heart believe
Let faith rise up in me
Lift your voice up higher
Let faith rise up
Oh heart believe
Let faith rise up in me, oh oh
Let faith rise up
Oh heart believe
Let faith rise up in me, yeah

Peace be still
Say the word and I will
Set my feet upon the sea
Till I’m dancing in the deep, Lord
Peace be still
You are here so it is well
Even when my eyes can’t see
I will trust the voice that speaks

Peace, peace, yes, over me
Yes Jesus
Oh, peace, peace Lord over me
Yeah, yeah

Lord Jesus, You’re the God of peace, Jesus
Ooh ooh
You’re a piece of a stone
You are in everyone, Jesus
Oh yeah, we receive it, we receive it
Oh, let the peace come
And wash all over me, yes
Oh oh
We rest in peace
Oh Jesus, You make our heart stay up
‘Cause You’re the creator, the strength of us all, ooh

Let faith rise up
Oh heart believe
Let faith rise up in me
It’s our pray in the night
Let faith rise up
Oh heart believe
Let faith rise up in me
One more time again
Let faith rise up
Oh heart believe
Let faith rise up in me
Let faith rise up
Oh heart believe it
Let faith rise up in me, yeah

Peace be still
Say the word and I will
Set my feet upon the sea
Till I’m dancing in the deep, Lord
Peace be still
You are here so it is well
Even when my eyes can’t see
I will trust the voice that speaks
Peace, peace over me, yeah
Peace, peace, yes, over me, yeah

You bring peace, Jesus
Yeah, let it wash all away
Let it wash all away above us

Friday Funnies – Patsy Clairmont

I have been waiting for this all week.  Patsy Clairmont is one of my most favorite people.

If you aren’t familiar with her, she has an amazing testimony of, as a young Christian, having had agoraphobia. Very basically, that’s when extreme anxiety leads a person to fear going out of the house or being around people. But not only was she confined to her house, her anxiety led her to being confined to her bed.

Through learning to be obedient to the Lord in small things, He delivered her from fear and anxiety.  And for years now she’s been an author and speaker who can take you from laughter to tears in 2.5 seconds, all while glorifying Jesus.  She is hilarious and I’m happy to share her with you, knowing she will put a smile on your face and remind you of God’s goodness, too.  (The first video leads into the next.)

Dear Father, thank you for giving us much needed laughter. We pray you would calm our frazzled emotions with your special kind of peace that exceeds all understanding.  In Jesus’ name…