Dear Heavenly Father, we praise your Most Holy Name. We thank you for giving us strength when we are weak, and filling our hearts with songs of adoration. We thank you for rescuing us over and over and never tiring of it. Your joy is in knowing and loving us in all ways. As a good father thoughtfully cares for and provides for his children, as a mother sacrifices herself to love her precious ones, as a shepherd lovingly and tenderly cares for his sheep, and a gardener cares for his garden and makes it thrive and grow until it is beautiful, so you love us and care for our every need, big and small, and we praise you.
You rescue us when we need rescuing, and indeed you have rescued our very souls. You have saved us from the fiery pit and planted our feet on the rock of our salvation – our Lord Jesus Christ. We honor and glorify you above all. You are our salvation and we praise you and will sing of your love forever. May our lives and our very breath glorify you without ceasing. May our lives exude praise and glory and confidence in our Precious LORD. Help us cling to you in the coming week, never hesitating to bring to you our cares, trusting you to love us, to care for us, to rescue us, over and over. In the sovereign name of Jesus we pray, amen.