The Beauty of a Mom

The beauty of a mom is in the way she reflects the glory of the Lord.


She shines with His nurturing heart and gives herself away. She sees when no one else does. Her mind treasures every precious moment. She gives her attention to every call.

She smiles at every growing step, and longs to rush in at every stumble. Wisdom tells her when stand back, and when to step in.

Her love overflows the same when she smiles at an accomplishment as when she disciplines. Thoughts of her children never cease.

Whether you’re a mom of little ones or your children are grown, let us always seek to be filled with the LORD that we might shine with His glory in all we do, and our lives speak of His goodness and grace.

Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;
    but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.
Proverbs 31:30

The Goodness of the Son

Surely your goodness and love will follow me
all the days of my life…
Psalm 23:6

It is the goodness of God that overflows into this world and makes it habitable. It is His goodness we experience that make our lives bearable, even enjoyable.

But sometimes that goodness becomes overshadowed by pain, grief, disappointment, disillusionment.

Like thick billows of never-ending clouds, they can block out the light. And sometimes there’s rain for days, weeks on end. Maybe it’s like living in Seattle.

I’m sure it can get dreary, and even depressing, and yet, there’s a certain beauty to Seattle.

The frequent drizzles allow for some of the most beautiful growth in the world, and also some of the most diverse, life-giving wildlife.


No matter how many weeks the shadows overtake the city, no one wonders if the sun is still there. They know it is, and they trust they’ll see it again.

I have to remember that when my world has been darkened with shadows for too long. The Son is still there. And His goodness will shine whether there are rain clouds that bring new growth, and maturity, and life, or He moves them away.

I have to remember that when everything in me, all my feelings and understanding want to tell me that because I don’t see or feel the Son He isn’t there.

I have to set aside my understanding and believe in what I know to be true – surely His goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life…

Because that’s who He is. What I feel doesn’t change that. What I see doesn’t change that. And I am thankful.


“Lord Jesus, help us hold onto our confidence that you are who you say you are.  That you are good, and that you love us, and no matter what’s happening in our lives you’re still there, and you are still pouring out your goodness into our lives, and we are thankful.”

The God Who Sees Me

If you’ve been praying a long time, if you’ve asked why more times than you can count, if you wonder if God sees you, this video encouragement by Sheila Walsh is helpful.

One of the names of God is El Roi – the God Who Sees Me. This is not just what He does, this is who He is.  This is His character, and not just with some, not just with those considered “special,” but with everyone.

God is not a respecter of persons. He is not moved by a person’s social standing or financial position or power. Know that He sees you. Yes, you who’ve suffered a long time and feel invisible, you whose child is lost, you who feel you have no where else to turn, He sees you, and He loves you.

I don’t know why His timetable is different for each person, but deep down I know that He is such a personal God that He has a different, yet always good plan for each of us who love Him and put our trust and faith in Him.

God has reminded me that the cracks of a broken heart are the perfect places for God’s healing love to flow in.

In Christ’s love,



We Love Because

By the demonstrations of His love, God has shown us that it’s more than a feeling.  It’s more than an emotion or romance or sexual attraction or affection or flowers.  It’s more than friendship or being able to get along when things are good.  It’s more than a commitment until

It’s doing what’s good and right and noble, in a spirit of humility no matter what.

He showed us what love is on the hill of Calvary when Christ died for us; He shows us what love is when we’re having our very worst days and yet He doesn’t give up on us; and He’ll show us what love is when we meet Him face to face when all is done and His promise to remake us is fulfilled.

Because of His love for us, we can love.


“My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one— I in them and you in me—so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.”  John 17:20-23

Jesus prayed this prayer for you and for me.  The abundant life Jesus had talked about stems from this one thing: that we yield ourselves to God with such fullness that we become one with Him.  That it is His life that flows through us – His mind we think and make decisions with, His heart we love unconditionally with, His eyes of grace and mercy we see others through, His strength we serve with.

I pray that Jesus’ prayer for us is answered more and more in the coming year, and that we come to live the abundant life He promises to us.  Everything we search for, everything we use in this world to try to fulfill our desires stem from our inherent need to be reconciled fully to Christ.

He is our abundant life.

And not only is that abundant life for ourselves, but the world needs to see us living it.  It needs to see a compass that points to true life.  The world desperately searches for hope and it needs to see that hope is found in Christ and in Him alone.  We are the chosen lights to point them to Him, if only we will.

May the Lord fill your lives in the coming year with faith and hope, strength and courage, love and peace.  May He be yours and you His.

In the mighty Name of Yeshua HaMashiach (Jesus, the Anointed One),

Called Into Fellowship



Could there be anything more wonderful, more gracious, more astounding and life-changing than being called – by God Himself – into fellowship – not just a knowledge of, not just an acquaintance with, but into a partnership, a daily, ongoing, communicating fellowship – with His Son, that we might live in oneness with Him, allowing His Spirit to flow through us, bringing our hearts and minds and lives into alignment with God’s will, allowing us to live an abundant life far above all we can imagine?

Lord help us to not waste a day…

No Other Love

If you need a love that never gives up, a hope that never fades, mercy that never ends, grace that knows no bounds, and life everlasting, look no further than Jesus Christ. In Him, and ONLY in Him will you find all those things and so much more. He is the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. He is your Creator, your Father, your Friend, your Co-laborer. The world will never hold a candle to the power of His life-giving Light, and no other love can do what His can.

Today is a new day. He stands ready to forgive you, embrace you, and clasp your hand as you walk this walk together. Will you?


“For God so loved the world, that He sent His only begotten son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life in Christ Jesus the Lord. John 3:16



2016 National Day of Prayer

2016 National Day of Prayer


Tomorrow, Thursday, May 5, is our National Day of Prayer.

If our beloved country were ever at a crucial crossroads, it is now.  And if we ever needed an opportunity to come together on one day to lift up fervent prayers to Almighty God on behalf of our cracked and crumbling nation it is tomorrow.

I am personally brokenhearted at the direction I see our country moving, at the lives being destroyed and the hatred being shouted.  We cannot continue to live as though there is no God, as if we can govern it or riot it or picket it or troll it all away.  We cannot continue to just hope it will somehow get better.  Hearts must be changed and only God, through faith in Jesus Christ, can do that.  

It is time to humble ourselves and repent of our own sins first, and then pray for God’s mercy on this land.

I believe there is still hope for God’s peace to return IF we will each – in faith – seek Him for grace and forgiveness.

I believe He is waiting for us to do just that.  

May His love and wisdom and discernment in prayer go with each of you.  


“…if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways,
then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”
2 Chronicles 7:14

A Sacrifice of Praise

Let them give thanks to the Lord for his unfailing love
and his wonderful deeds for mankind.
Let them sacrifice thank offerings
and tell of his works with songs of joy.
Psalm 107:21-22

cornucopia 3

No matter our condition or circumstances in life, we have all been given the opportunity be children of the Father of Heaven and Earth through His Son, Jesus Christ.  In and through Him we are given access to the very throne room of God.  We have been given favor by the Almighty King, the God who owns the cattle on a thousands hills.  We have the heart of the God who is the source of all love, the God who has poured out His cornucopia of unlimited blessings on all who turn to Him in faith.  He has lavished on us every good thing in faith, joy, peace and His very life which will carry us on forever.

And for that and so much more, we have the privilege of offering up to Him a sacrifice of thanksgiving.

May you be filled to overflowing with the full knowledge of the blessing you’ve received in Him and offer up to our Father a sacrifice of great praise!

Happy Thanksgiving,
